英國聖公會(Church of England)坎特布里大主教(Archbishop of Canterbury)威爾比(Justin Portal Welby)的發言人今天(20日)表示,威爾比大主教已提議,接受一、二個難民家庭住進位於倫敦蘭柏宮(Lambeth Palace)一棟設有4個房間的小屋。
A misspelled hate tirade writing and wrongly turned swastika smeared at the windows of a emergency refugee shelter in Riedlingen, Germany, Sept. 19, 2015. Hate tirades and swastikas were smeared, a ... 較多A misspelled hate tirade writing and wrongly turned swastika smeared at the windows of a emergency refugee shelter in Riedlingen, Germany, Sept. 19, 2015. Hate tirades and swastikas were smeared, a paper waster bin set on fire in front of the shelter. (EPA/THOMAS WARNACK) 較少